fortius | June 10, 2018 SMS Text Delivery Service | In the initial stage when a company hires an SMS text delivery service, they only think of promotion of their brand and nothing more than that. Even though the motive of every marketing method is to promote the brand, but promotion is not the only thing that should be done with this. Getting bulk SMS service prompts people to send many texts to clients, hoping to boost business. Some of them may bring work, but that will be only a limited number. After doing this, all such people wonder that where did…
fortius | June 9, 2018 The internet is filled with loads of information which is why many people consider surfing the internet before taking any service. Without a doubt, it helps in gathering more information, but it is filled with misleading details as well. When it comes to SMS Delivery Service, then there are numerous myths about this service that people tend to believe. Not only that, but people also consider all these misconceptions while hiring any Bulk SMS Service Provider. Below we mention some of the most common myths about this service so that you stop believing in them. SMS…
fortius | June 8, 2018 Mobile SMS Marketing | Earlier people used to text message a lot as it was the easiest way of communication. The best thing about text messaging is that it is fast and reliable as well. However, since the inception of the internet and the smartphones, everything has changed. When numerous networking applications like WhatsApp came into existence, people started to lose their interest in the SMS. As text messages were not only used for communication, but for marketing as well, many of the bulk SMS providers thought that what is the future of SMS marketing. Some say…
fortius | June 7, 2018 SMS Services for Business | SMS is a service that has been used by over a decade for promotion and marketing of the company. However, there is a misconception that bulk SMS service can only be used for promotional activities and marketing. Only a few of the people know that there are many different ways how a business can get the most out of this service. Here are some of the ways that your business can take full advantage of this service. Notify Your Clients One of the best things that you can do with…
fortius | June 7, 2018 Web SMS Service | Since the inception of the internet and email, most of the businesses were at their peak as they could reach legions of people with ease. However, the problem they faced was that not everybody had access to the internet or had email due to which they could only reach a limited number of people. Apart from that, they had to use computers to access their emails due to which it took a lot of important time and slowed down the process. Afterward, people began to use the SMS to connect with the people.…
fortius | June 6, 2018 SMS Marketing Services | Hey! Are you still concerned about how to replicate the exclusive companies out there? If yes, then begin with the most enormous yet economical style of elaborating your business using the SMS marketing services. Make the best of the available opportunities with the transferring of the maximum information about your business service or products through the SMS to all the targeted audience. The world after globalization has never looked back to the less developing technologies. With the increased uses of internet connectivity, people have stood up to the huge expectations in business trails. …
fortius | June 5, 2018 Bulk SMS Service in India | In an era where communication is growing rapidly and internet is used at a peak level, the only thing that is effective to advertise your product or service is “Bulk SMS service”.You can use bulk SMS to send reminders, update customers, send promotional offers or incentives, run competitions, offer customers coupons, confirm bookings or confirmations. The uses for Bulk SMS are endless. Advantages of using Bulk SMS Service: Bulk SMS marketing is very useful and easy way to reach customers. Size of the business doesn’t matter, Mostly businesses are using…
fortius | May 14, 2018 Bulk SMS Service for Business | No matter you are a new organization or a well-established entrepreneur, you always need some effective methods for doing business promotion. We all are aware of the fact that the market has become competitive now. An enterprise cannot survive and grow if it does not have sufficient tools for marketing. The business organizations in the market are coming up with new ideas every day in this regard. You can see advertisements of various companies on television, social media platforms, print media, buildings around you. They all believe in this theory that the…
fortius | April 20, 2018 Bulk SMS Service in Kanpur | If you own a new business and are expecting to reach masses, then the answer to your problem is Bulk SMS Service. If you are just starting up a new setup than this service would be easier, faster and cheaper. Within a short span of time, you would be bringing everybody's attention towards your company. Bulk SMS solutions is a trusted by most of your marketing problems. Handing out leaflets and brochures might seem a bit costly and take a lot of efforts otherwise. Giving newspaper ads is not too cheap…
fortius | April 16, 2018 Bulk SMS Service Provider in Lucknow | In this modern period, bulk SMS service has turned out to be one of the best tools for the advertisement of the business. If you message is short and crispy to the targeted audience, then the chance it will be read by the customers just doubles up. Basically, Bulk SMS software is a marketing tool by which you can send thousands of messages instantly within a few clicks of your computer system. If you want to pass any useful information or any sale offers to your customers, then Bulk SMS…